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While not tending toward an unproductive apocalyptic sensibility, the uneven
socio-ecological processes sound an important warning about the need to seek alter-
native forms of thinking about, and action toward, the world around us. To this end,
Gibson-Graham and Roelvink suggest “responding to the challenges of the
Anthropocene is not simply about human beings fi nding a technological or norma-
tive fi x that will control and restore the earth. It is about human beings being trans-
formed by the world in which we fi nd ourselves—or, to put it in more reciprocal
terms, it is about the Earth's future being transformed through a living process of
inter-being” ( 2010 , p. 322). Following Ecuador's lead in spelling out the rights of
nature might be a step in this direction, though Ecuador's recent permitting of
increased oil drilling within the Yasumi National Park, a UNESCO biosphere
reserve, suggests how fragile nature's rights may be.
Arroyo MT, Donoso C, Murúa RE et al (1996) Toward an ecologically sustainable forestry project.
Protecting biodiversity and ecosystem processes in the Río Cóndor project, Tierra del Fuego.
DID Universidad de Chile, Santiago
Biersack A, Greenberg JG (2006) Reimagining political ecology. Duke University Press, Durham
Blaikie PM (1985) The political economy of soil erosion in developing countries. Longman,
Blaikie P, Brookfi eld P (1987) Land degradation and society. Methuen, London
Boone CG, Buckley GL, Grove MJ et al (2009) Parks and people: an environmental justice inquiry
in Baltimore, Maryland. Ann Assoc Am Geogr 99(4):767-787
Bullard RD (1994) Overcoming racism in environmental decisionmaking. Environ Sci Policy
Sustain Dev 4(1):10-44
Chapin FS III, Pickett STA, Power ME et al (2015) Earth stewardship: an initiative by the
Ecological Society of America to Foster Engagement to Sustain Planet Earth. In: Rozzi R,
Chapin FS III, Callicott JB et al (eds) Earth stewardship: linking ecology and ethics in theory
and practice. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 173-194
Chapin FS III, Power ME, Pickett STA et al (2011). Earth stewardship: science for action to sustain
the human-earth system. Ecosphere 2:art89. 10.1890/ES11-00166.1
Cole LW (1994) Civil rights, environmental justice and the EPA: the brief history of administrative
complaints under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. J Environ Law Litigation
Collier JS, Ong A (2005) Global assemblages, anthropological problems. In: Ong A, Collier JS
(eds) Global assemblages: technology, politics, and ethics as anthropological problems.
Blackwell, Malden, pp 3-21
Crate SA, Nuttall M (2009) Anthropology and climate change: from encounters to actions. Left
Coast Press, Walnut Creek
Crutzen PJ, Stoermer EF (2000) The “Anthropocene”. Glob Chang Newsl 41:17-18
Daly H, Goodland R (1994) An ecological-economic assessment of deregulation of international
commerce under GATT. Ecol Econ 9:73-92
DeLanda M (2006) A new philosophy of society: assemblage theory and social complexity.
Continuum, London
Deleuze G, Guatarri F (1987) A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia (trans: Massumi
B). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
Dussel E (2003) Algunos principios para una ética ecológica material de liberación (Relaciones
entre la vida en la tierra y la humanidad). In: Pixley J (ed) Por un mundo otro. Consejo
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