Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Always get someone else to read your work before you submit it or distribute it.
You may have misunderstood a relevant article, or made a logical error; most authors
are poor at detecting ambiguity in their own text; and there may be relevant results
of which you are unaware; explanations may be too concise for the uninitiated; a
proof that is obvious to you may be obscure to others. And a proofreader's comments
should never be ignored. If something has been misunderstood, the paper needs to
be changed, although not necessarily in the way the proofreader recommends.
Publication-quality word-processing is so widely used that poorly presented
reports look cheap. But word-processors can glitch on the final draft. The last word
of a section might be the first word on a page, a line of text might be isolated between
two tables, or a formula might be broken across two pages. This is also the last
chance to correct bad line breaks. Some editing may be required to fix such errors, to
move or change the offending text or to relocate a table. In desperate cases, such as
a long piece of displayed mathematics that is broken, consider putting the offending
material into a figure.
Fussy people like me clean up widows and orphans. If the last line of a paragraph
contains only a single, short word, that line is a cub; use an unbreakable space to
join the short word onto the previous one. When the last line prior to a heading is
by itself at the top of a page, or a heading or the first line of the following paragraph
are alone at the bottom of a page, that line is a widow or orphan; rewrite until it goes
away. I also clean up stacks, that is, paragraphs where successive lines begin with
the same word.
Choice of Word-Processor
When you start to write a paper you need to choose a word-processor. The choice is
dictated by availability, but also by howwell the available word-processors cope with
the demands of authoring. In addition to text, much research writing involves figures,
(Footnote 4 continued)
“The Soviet navy at the start of the 1980s is truly a formidable force,” said the usually-truly is a
unique formidable is too smoothy as the usually are lenience on truly a formidable Thursday's
naives is frames analysis of the world's annual reference work, said the first frames of the worlds'
navies in its 1980-1981 edition.
“The Soviet navy at the start usually-repair-led Capt. John Moore, a retired British Royal News
“The Soviet navy as the navy of the struggle started,” she reportable Thursday.
“The Soviet navy at the start of the 1980s is truly a formidable force,” said beef carry on the adults
of defence block identical analysis 1980s is truly formidable force, said the usually-reliable of
the 1980s is unusually reliable, lake his off the world's reported Thursday.
The following is from a paper in a conference proceedings where the authors provided camera-ready
Not only is the algorithm fast on the small set, but the results show that it can even be faster for
the large set. (This can't be right, run the experiment again?)
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