Information Technology Reference
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1024 computers were linked into the ring.
Partial compilation gave a 4-fold improvement.
The increase was over five per cent.
The method requires 2 passes.
There were 1024 computers linked into the ring.
Partial compilation gave a four-fold improvement.
The increase was over 5 per cent.
The increase was over 5%.
Method 2 is illustrated in Fig. 1.
The leftmost 2 in the sequence was changed to a 1.
The method requires two passes.
Don't mix modes.
There were between four and 32 processors in each machine.
There were between 4 and 32 processors in each machine.
In English-speaking countries, the traditional method for separating long sequences
of digits into groups of three is to use commas, as in “1,897,600”. This method has
two disadvantages: it can be confusing if the numbers are part of a comma-separated
list, and decimal points are denoted by commas in many countries, so a number such
as “1,375” could be misinterpreted. It is for these reasons that the alternative of using
thin spaces was introduced, as in “1897600” or “73802”. But the comma-separated
style remains popular and the use of thin spaces, although widespread in resources
such as Wikipedia, has not become established in computer science papers. Comma
separation is used throughout this topic.
Fractions are only rarely used for values, and should not be used as abbreviations.
About 1/3 of the data was noise.
About one-third of the data was noise.
Numbers should not be adjacent.
There were 14 512-Kb sets.
There were fourteen 512-Kb sets.
Always include the leading 0 in numbers whose magnitude is less than 1; write “the
size was 0.3 Kb”, not “the size was .3 Kb”.
Avoid the phrase “orders of magnitude”.
The new algorithm is at least two orders of magnitude faster.
In this example, is the unit of magnitude binary or decimal? It would be better to be
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