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An inverted list for a given term is a sequence of pairs, where the first element
in each pair is a document identifier and the second is the frequency of the
term in the document to which the identifier corresponds.
An inverted list for a term t is a sequence of pairs of the form
, where
each d is a document identifier and f is the frequency of t in d .
In the first version, the author has had to struggle to avoid ambiguity.
Many terms have well-defined mathematical meanings and are confusing if used
in another way.
Normal, usual, typical . The word “normal” has several mathematical meanings;
it is often best to use, say, “usual” or “typical” if a non-mathematical meaning is
Definite, strict, proper, all, some . Avoid “definite”, “strict”, and “proper” in their
non-mathematical meanings, and be careful with “all” and “some”.
Any . Avoid the word “any” in mathematical writing: sometimes it means “all” and
sometimes it means “some”.
Intractable, infeasible . An algorithm or problem is “intractable” only if it is NP-
hard, that is, the asymptotic cost (or computational complexity) is believed to be
worse than polynomial. In the context of asymptotic cost, “infeasible” sometimes
has the same meaning as “intractable”; in the context of an optimization problem, it
might mean that the problem has no (feasible) solution.
In general writing, either “infeasible” and “intractable” is sometimes used tomean
hard to do , which is acceptable if there is no possibility of confusion.
Formula, expression, equation . A “formula”, or an “expression” is not necessarily
an “equation”; the latter involves an equality.
Equivalent, similar . Two things are “equivalent” if they are indistinguishable with
regard to some criteria. If they are not indistinguishable, they are at best “similar”.
Element, partition . An “element” is a member of a set (or list or array) and should
not be used to refer to a subpart of an expression. If a set is “partitioned” into subsets,
the subsets are disjoint and form the original set under union.
Average, mean . “Average” is used loosely to mean typical . Only use it in the formal
sense—of mean , that is, the arithmeticmean—if it is clear to the reader that the formal
sense is intended. Otherwise use “mean” or even “arithmetic mean”.
Subset, proper subset, strict subset . “Subset” should not be used to mean sub-
problem . Orderings (or partial orderings) specified in writing are assumed to be
non-strict. For example, “A is a subset of B” means that A
B ; confusingly, this is
sometimes written A
B . To specify A
B use “A is a proper (or strict) subset
of B”.
Similar rules apply to “less than”, “greater than”, and “monotonic”.
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