Civil Engineering Reference
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ECE can support other repair methods effectively and for a reduced total
Avoidance of expensive supporting frames for an alternative concrete
replacement in load-bearing columns.
Enlarging the protection sections/zones of a CP application by reducing
the initial chloride content in locally deviating and very high chloride
concentrations. So effort for the CP instrumentation and observation
can be saved, especially when very small areas with high, deviating
chloride content are to be considered.
In summary, ECE is an economic repair option for special cases which has
more abilities than known from past experience and which should also be
considered in combination with other methods.
8.16 Standardisation
Following a CEN technical specification on electrochemical re-alkalisation
(CEN TS 14038-1, 2004), a new project on ECE is under progress at the time
of writing, and is currently at the approval stage, as a Drafor Development
(DD), (2007). NACE has published the Standard Practice paper SP0107-2007
'Electrochemical Realkalization and Chloride Extraction for Reinforced
Concrete', which adds to the previously released state-of-the-art reports No.
24223 (2004) and No. 24214 (2001) about this topic.
Bennett, J., Schue, T., Chloride Removal Implementation Guide . SHRP-S-347,
National Research Council, Washington DC, 1993a.
Bennett, J., Schue, T., Clear, K., Lankard, D., Hartt, W., Swiat, W., Protection of
Concrete Bridge Components: Field Trials . SHRP-S-657, National Research
Council, 1993b.
Broomfield, J., Corrosion of Steel in Concrete - Understanding, Investigation and
Repair. Taylor and Francis, 2007.
Elsener, B., Ionenmigration und elektrische Leitfähigkeit im Beton . SIA Dokumentation
D065: Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz, Part 5, 1990.
Elsener, B., Angst. U., Mechanism of electrochemical chloride removal. Corrosion
Science 49, 2007.
Elsener, B., Molina, M., Böhni, H., Electrochemical removal of chlorides from
reinforced concrete structures. Werkstoffwissenschaften und Bausanierung Vol.
420 Part 1 - Expert Verlag, 1993.
Gruenzig, H., Orientierende Versuche zur abschirmenden Wirkung eines
Spannstahlhüllrohres im elektrischen Feld. CITec GmbH, 2002 (unpublished).
Mietz, J., Electrochemical Rehabilitation Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures
- A State of the Art Report . European Federation of Corrosion Reports 24,
Institute of Materials, 1998.
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