Java Reference
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particularl care of the behavior of the function stack. In particular, we shall
focus on program/function termination by inspecting the terminal states that
correspond to the trivial cases that do not need to call functions.
3.5.1 Revisiting the factorial function: A recursive
We have seen in
3.2.3 an iterative algorithm for computing the factorial n !=
1. Let us now write the factorial function the recursive
way. First, we need to find a recurrence equation for the factorial function. We
simply get this relationship as:
( n
n != n
( n
1= n
( n
with 0! = 1 by definition (terminal state).
Program 3.11 Recursive implementation of the factorial function
class RecursiveFactorial
{ public static int Factorial( int n)
{ if ( n==0) return 1; // Terminal stage
else return n
1) ; // Apply recurrence
public static void main( String [ ]
arg )
System . out . println ( "10!=" +Factorial (10));
Compiling and executing this code, we get 10!=3628800 . Does this recursive
function always terminate? For a given integer n
0, the function Factorial
calls itself until we reach at some stage the argument n = 0. Thus the function
stack has piled n + 1 calls with the last call being Factorial(0) . At this stage,
we enter the terminal stage and return 1. Factorial(1) can return its result
1 = 1 and it is removed from the stack. Then Factorial(2) can return its
result 2
1, and so on, until we return the result of Factorial(n) . Figure 3.3
illustrates the pile on process of the function call stack until it reaches the
terminal state n =0.
Note that if we call Factorial(-1) , the program will pile-on the function
stack the function calls Factorial(-2) , Factorial(-3) , etc. and stop once
the function stack gets full, generating an overflow memory problem: A stack
overflow .
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