Java Reference
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accessed from outside the function bodies.
Suppose now that we would like to count the number of times a given function
is called. We need to declare a kind of persistent variable that we can attach
to the class encapsulating the function: These kinds of persistent variables are
called static variables. Using static variables, it becomes easy, say, to count the
overall number of function calls as illustrated by the following code:
Program 3.5 An example using a static (class) variable
class StaticVariable {
static int nbfunccalls=0;
static int square( int x)
{ nbfunccalls++;
return x x; }
static boolean isOdd( int p)
{ nbfunccalls++;
if ( ( p%2)==0) return false ;
else return true ; }
static double distance( double x, double y)
{ double result ;
if (x > y) result=x
else result=y
return result ;
static void display( double x, double y)
{ nbfunccalls++;
System . out . println ( "(" +x+ "," +y+ ")" );
public static void main ( String [ ]
args )
{ FunctionDeclaration . display (3 ,2) ;
display(square(2) ,distance (5 ,9)) ;
int p=123124345;
if (isOdd(p) )
System . out . println ( "p is odd" );
System . out . println ( "p is even" );
System . out . println ( "Total number of function calls:" +
nbfunccalls) ;
Running this program, we get the following message after completion:
Total number of function calls:4
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