Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public static void main( String [ ]
arguments )
Let us see some concrete examples.
3.2.2 Examples of basic functions
Let us create a demonstration program class FunctionDeclaration by typing
in the text file the following code:
Program 3.2
A basic demonstration class for defining and calling static
class FunctionDeclaration {
static int square( int x)
{ return x x; }
static boolean isOdd( int p)
{ if ( ( p%2)==0) return false ;
else return true ; }
static double distance( double x, double y)
{ if (x > y) return x y;
else return y x; }
static void display( double x, double y)
{ System . out . println ( "(" +x+ "," +y+ ")" );
return ; // return void
public static void main ( String [ ]
args )
{ display (3 ,2) ;
display(square(2) ,distance (5 ,9)) ;
int p=123124345;
if (isOdd(p) )
System . out . println ( "p is odd" );
System . out . println ( "p is even" );
Compiling and executing this code, we get:
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