Java Reference
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These incrementation instructions are so frequent that they can be ei-
ther written compactly as ++x or x++ (for pre-incrementation and post-
incrementation). Let us explain the difference between pre-incrementation and
post-incrementation :
Consider the following code:
This gives the value 3 to i and 2 to j as we do a post-incrementation . That
is, we increment after having evaluated the expression i++ . The above code is
equivalent to:
i=i+1; // or equivalently i+=1;
Alternatively, consider the pre-incrementation code:
This code is equivalent to...
... and thus both the values of i and j are equal to 3 in this case. The same
explanations hold for pre-decremention
Note that technically speaking the ++ syntax can be seen as a unary operator .
i and post-decrementation i
1.7.3 A calculator for solving quadratic equations
Let us put altogether the use of mathematical functions with variable init ializa-
tions and assignments in a simple program that computes the roots b
b 2
4 ac
2 a
of a quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c =0:
Program 1.12 A quadratic equation solver
class QuadraticEquationSolver
{ public static void main( String [ ]
arg )
double a,b,c;
a=Math. sqrt (3.0) ;
c= 3.0;
double delta=b b 4.0 a c;
double root1 , root2 ;
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