Java Reference
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In the remainder, we shall use the following data structure:
class Transition
int time ;
Transition next ;
Transition( int time , Transition next)
this . time = time ;
this .next = next;
class Signal {
boolean initialValue ;
Transition transitions ;
Signal( boolean value , Transition transitions)
this . initialValue = value ;
this . transitions = transitions ;
Field initialValue denotes the object value of type Signal at about
Field transitions denotes the beginning of the linked list of transition
events for this signal. If that field is set to null , this means that the
signal is constant. Otherwise, fields time of successive elements of the
linked list indicate the respective values τ 1 ,...,τ n , with τ 1 denoting the
head. We insist on the fact that the sequence τ i is strictly increasing.
For example, we can create the signal depicted above as:
Signal signal1 = new Signal( false ,
new Transition (1 , new Transition (3 , new Transition (4 ,
null ))));
In the following questions, the functions shall be all located inside the
body of a class, whose name can be arbitrarily chosen.
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