Java Reference
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- Write a static function boolean bump(Atom a, Atom b) that takes as
arguments two atoms a and b , and return true if and only if the
distance between their centers is strictly less than the sum of their
radii (this will represent a collision between two atoms). This function
shall be defined inside the class Atom .
Program 11.2 Class Atom with the bump predicate
public class Atom
Point3D center
double radius ;
public static final double H RADIUS = 1 . 2 ;
public static final double O RADIUS = 1 . 5 ;
public Atom ( double x, double y, double z, double rad
) {
this .center= new Point3D (x , y , z ) ;
this .radius=rad;
public static boolean bump ( Atom a , Atom b )
return Point3D . distance (a. center
, b. center )
< a. radius + b. radius ;
// Temporary class; Shall be enhanced next
- Write a class Molecule that allows us to define a 3D molecule as an
array of atoms, and provide the class with a constructor that takes as
argument a reference to this array.
Program 11.3 Class Molecule
public class Molecule
Atom [ ] atoms ;
public Molecule ( Atom []
this . atoms = t ;
- Using a new class Test , write a program that builds a water molecule
H20 with its oxygen atom located at (0 , 0 . 4 , 0) and the two hydrogen
atoms located at (0 . 76 ,
0 . 19 , 0) and (
0 . 76 ,
0 . 19 , 0) (units still
being angstrom).
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