Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Exam & Solution
The 2-hour exam below gives an overall review of the main concepts of
programming in Java. The four independent exercises are given with their
corresponding solutions.
Solution 11.1 (Mysterious recursive function)
- Consider the following program which compiles without any error:
public class MysteriousProgram {
public static void display( int [] tab) {
for ( int i=0; i < tab . length ; i++)
System . out . print ( tab [ i ] + "" );
System . out . println () ;
} public static void swap2( int a, int b)
int tmp = a ;
} public static void swap3( int [] tab, int i, int j)
int tmp = tab [ i ] ;
tab [ i ] = tab [ j ] ;
tab [ j ] = tmp;
public static void mysterious( int [] tab, int k)
for ( int j=k; j < t a b . l e n g t h ;
j ++)
swap3( tab , k ,
j ) ;
display(tab) ;
swap3( tab , k ,
j ) ;
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