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- At u ( i, j ) either we did not select the i -th element and then u ( i, j )= u ( i
1 ,j ), or we selected it and then we need to know the utility of u ( i
1 ,j
W i )
to compute the total utility U i + u ( i
1 ,j
W i ).
Thus we get the key recurrence relation:
u ( i, j )= u ( i, j )=0for j<W 1 ,and u ( i, j )= U 1 for j
W 1 ,i =1
, i > 1 .
Solving the knapsack problem by using dynamic programming consists of
building a 2D table of size n
u ( i, j ) = max
u ( i
1 ,j )+ u ( i
1 ,i
W i )+ U i }
( W + 1) (starting at weight 0) as follows:
Program 9.14 Dynamic programming for solving the 0-1 knapsack
static void SolveDP ()
int i,j;
array= new i n t [ nbObjects ] [ weightmax+1];
// initialize the first row
for (j=0;j < =weightmax ; j++)
if (j < weight[0]) array [0][ j]=0;
else array [0][ j]=utility [0];
// for all other rows
for (i=1;i < nbObjects ; i++)
for (j=0;j < =weightmax ; j++)
if (j
weight [ i ] < 0) array [ i ][ j]=array [ i
1][ j ];
array [ i ][ j]=max( array [ i 1][ j ] ,
array [ i 1][j weight[ i]]+ utility [ i ]) ;
The result of the optimization reads at the bottommost right cell of this array:
u ( n, W ). To illustrate this algorithm, consider the following input:
static int nbObjects=8;
static int [] weight= { 2,3,5,2,4,6,3,1 } ;
static int [] utility = { 5 ,8 ,14 ,6 ,13 ,17 ,10 ,4 } ;
static int weightmax=12;
static int []
[] array;
Then procedure SolveDP builds and gets the table of u ( i, j ) evaluations (see
Table 9.1).
We now retrieve the solution from the table by beginning from the bottom
right cell: here, a maximum utility score of 38 for i = n =8.If u ( i, j ) has the
same score as the precedent row u ( i
1 ,j ) then we deduce that object O i was
not chosen. Otherwise, that means that we chose object O i . Starting from the
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