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To solve the filling knapsack problem, we now need to check at the terminal
states whether the overall knapsack weight of currently selected objects matches
the capacity weight of the knapsack or not.
Program 9.3 Exhaustive search for the perfect filling of a knapsack
class KnapSack
final static int n=10; // 10 objects
static int [] weight= { 2,3,5,7,9,11,4,13,23,27 } ;
static void display( boolean []
selection , int val)
{ String msg= "" ;
for ( int i=0;i < selection . length ; i++)
{ if (selection [ i ])
msg=msg+weight [ i ]+ "" ; }
System . out . println (msg+ "=" +val ) ;
static void solveKnapSack( boolean [] chosen , int goal , int i,
int total)
if ((i > =chosen . length)&&(total!=goal))
return ;
if ( total==goal)
display (chosen , goal) ;
chosen [ i]= true ; // add item first and proceed
solveKnapSack(chosen , goal , i+1,total+weight [ i ]) ;
chosen [ i]= false ; // and then remove it and proceed
solveKnapSack(chosen , goal , i+1,total ) ;
public static void main( String
[ ]
args )
int totalweight=51;
boolean [] chosen= new boolean [n]; // initialized to all false
solveKnapSack(chosen , totalweight , 0 , 0) ;
All solutions are then properly listed as below:
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