Java Reference
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Finally, we can now run the same demonstration program as for arrays. The
result is identical since the semantic of the methods declared in the stack
interface is the same. We get the following Java program:
Program 8.19 Demonstration program: Stacks using linked lists
class DemoStackList
public static void main( String
[ ]
args )
{ Stack myStack= new Stack () ;
int i;
for (i=0;i < 10; i++)
for (i=0;i < 15; i++)
System . out . println (myStack . Pull () ) ;
In summary, objects provide a nice framework for encapsulating data. The
methods acting on object are non-static functions that can access the fields of
the current object. Thus methods can be interpreted as basic algorithms on
structured data.
8.7 Exercises
Exercise 8.1 (Stacks of strings)
Implement a stack for storing strings. Write static functions push and
pop . Then provide the equivalent methods for that class, and discuss the
advantages of using object methods.
Exercise 8.2 (Flood-filling binary images using stacks and queues)
Consider a binary image defined by a bi-dimensional array of booleans:
boolean [] [] image; . Provide a function drawRectangle that draws
the border of a rectangle given by its bottom left corner and with/height
dimensions. Create a binary image by drawing at random n rectangle
borders using the function Math.random() . We would like to perform
the flood-filling at image pixel ( x, y ). Implement the recursive function
FloodFillingStack by using a pixel stack. Similarly, implement the
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