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8.2.3 An application of queues: Set enumeration
As a basic straightforward application of queues, consider the following
mathematical puzzle:
A⊂ N
be a set of integers such that:
- 1 belongs to
- If element a belongs to
, then 2 a +1and 3 a also belong to
For a given n , we are asked to display all integers less or equal to n that belong
. To solve this problem algorithmically, consider starting with a queue
initialized with element 1. We also use a boolean array to indicate whether
integer a belongs to
by tagging them
using a boolean array. Initially, all elements except 1 are marked to false . Once
this initialization is completed, for each element a of the queue, we perform in
turn the following process:
or not. That is, we mark elements of
- Compute 2 a + 1, add this element to the queue if a is less than n and not
yet marked,
- Compute 3 a , add this element to the queue if a is less than n and not yet
The algorithm terminates when the queue becomes empty, and we terminate
by displaying all marked elements: the set
restricted to integers less or equal
to n .
The listing below describes this simple application of queues:
Program 8.2 Enumerating set elements using queues
class QueueIntGame
final static int n=1000;
static int lastProcessed= 1;
static int freePlace=0;
static int [] container= new i n t [n];
static boolean [] mark= new boolean [n];
static void add( int a)
if (freePlace < n)
{ container [ freePlace]=a;
static boolean Empty ( )
{ return (( freePlace lastProcessed )==1);
static void process ()
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