Java Reference
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int []
array =
16 ,15 ,14 ,13 ,12 ,11 ,10 ,9 ,8 ,7 ,6 ,5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1
SelectionSort(array) ;
System . out . println ( "Number of operations:" +nboperations) ;
int nb=2
System . out . println ( "Number of operations:" +nb ) ;
array . length
(array . length
We get (with 15
16 = 240):
Number of operations:240
Number of operations:240
6.5 QuickSort: Recursive sorting
Let us now turn to a fast expected sorting algorithm often used in practice:
QuickSort. QuickSort is a recursive sorting procedure that proceeds as follows:
- First, partition the elements according to the pivot array[0] :
- those smaller than the pivot stored in arrayleft ,
- those greater than the pivot stored in arrayright ,
- those equal to the pivot (in case of ties) stored in arraypivot .
- Then solve recursively the sorting in arrays arrayleft and arrayright ,and
- Recompose the array as follows:
arrayleft arraypivot arrayright
Note that in this recursive algorithm, the terminal case is sorting a single
element. This is done trivially by doing nothing since a single element array is
a sorted array by definition. The partition procedure is done in-place without
using extra memory as follows:
Program 6.10 The partition procedure in QuickSort
static int partition( int [ ]
array , int left , int right)
{ int m= l e f t ; // pivot
for ( int i=left+1; i < =r i g h t ; i ++)
{ if (GreaterThan(array [ left ] , array [ i ]) )
{ swap(array , i ,m+1);
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