Java Reference
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// Constructor (method)
Date( int day , int month , int year)
this .dd=day;
this .mm=month ;
this . yyyy=year ;
class DemoDate {
public static void main( String [ ]
args )
{ Date day= new Date(23 ,12 ,1971) ;
System . out . println ( "Date:" +day . dd+ "/" +day .mm+ "/" +day . yyyy) ;
A class may potentially supply several constructors provided that they all bear
different signatures. For now, it is best to define a single constructor that
initializes all the fields of the object. Fields of the current object are accessed
by using the keyword this . Although it is not mandatory to use it explicitly
inside the constructor, we recommend initializing the object records in the
constructor by using this :
Date(int day, int month, int year)
yyyy=year; // we omitted the keyword this here
Note that in cases where no constructor is provided, Java will use a default
constructor common to all objects. Fields can still be assigned after the object
creation as follows:
Date day=new Date();// default constructor called
We can visualize the object creation and its relationship as depicted in
Figure 5.1.
5.2.2 The common null object
Similar to arrays, we can first define object variables and create/initialize them
later. For example, consider the following code:
Date day;
...// do some instructions here
Date day=new Date(23,12,1971);
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