Java Reference
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int [] v=
System . out . println ( "Seeking for element 6: Position " +
DichotomicSearch(v,6) ) ;
System . out . println ( "Seeking for element 80: Position " +
DichotomicSearch(v,80) ) ;
System . out . println ( "Seeking for element 33: Position " +
DichotomicSearch(v,33) ) ;
1,6,9 ,12
,45 , 67, 76, 80, 95
We get the following console output:
Seeking for element 6: Position 1
Seeking for element 80: Position 7
Seeking for element 33: Position -1
4.8 Exercises
Exercise 4.1 (Array of strings)
Write a static function DisplayArray that reports the number of
elements in an array of strings, and displays in the console output
all string elements. Give another function DisplayReverseArray that
displays the array in reverse order.
Exercise 4.2 (Pass-by-value array arguments)
Explain why the following permute function does not work:
Program 4.17 Permuting strings and Java's pass-by-reference
class ExoArray
static void permute( String s1 ,
String s2 )
{ String tmp=s1 ;
s1=s2 ;
} public static void main( String args [ ] )
{ String [] array= { "shark" , "dog" , "cat" , "crocodile" } ;
permute(array [0] , array [1]) ;
System . out . println ( array [0]+ "" +array [1]) ;
Give a static function static void permute(String [] tab, int i,
int j) that allows one to permute the element at index position i with
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