Biomedical Engineering Reference
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school performs similar work. 12 szostak's group has created membrane-
bound protocells containing encapsulated rnA, the biological molecule
widely thought to be the precursor to DnA-based genetic systems in mod-
ern cells. The protocell vesicles grow and divide, distributing their en-
capsulated rnA molecules to the new daughter vesicles (Zhu and szostak
2009). The simplicity and activities of these protocells suggest that similar
entities may have formed on the prebiotic earth.
one example of artificial genetic material is called AeGis for Artifi-
cially expanded Genetic information system. 13 The goal of AeGis work
done by steven Benner at the foundation for Applied molecular evolution
in Gainesville, florida, is to expand DnA's four natural bases (A, C, T,
and G) to twelve bases. 14 one possible outcome of AeGis research is a ge-
netic system that can code for proteins with more than the twenty differ-
ent amino acids now used by nature. This would make it possible to build
biological molecules and other structures with properties vastly different
from anything yet invented by nature.
some researchers doing bottom-up synthetic biology believe that hu-
mans are on the verge of actually creating life. others believe that accom-
plishment is still many years off or may never happen. Whether wholly
artificial life is ever created, there are spin-off benefits from the ongoing
work of bottom-up synbiologists. The research gives insight into the nature
of life itself and how the first life may have originated. it also provides clues
to the forms life might take on extraterrestrial worlds, essential informa-
tion for designing tests to detect alien life forms. indeed, if we probe Ju-
piter's moons, mars, and other extraterrestrial bodies only for earth-like
life, we may come up empty handed, missing one of the most profound dis-
coveries humankind could ever make.
Future Synbiologists
Tremendous excitement about synthetic biology exists among a small but
growing number of undergraduate students around the world. since 2003,
Tom Knight, creator of miT's BioBrick registry, has run the international
Genetically engineered machine (iGem) competition. in the spring, stu-
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