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denigrating effects human cloning might have on society (objection 7). in
the end, a clear and concise definition of human dignity is elusive, and it
is unclear how the act of cloning per se would violate any of the common
usages of human dignity.
Is Human Cloning Morally Wrong?
of the eight commonly voiced objections to human reproductive cloning
just examined, none present strong arguments against human cloning per
se. The strongest objections, in my view, are that the research required to
develop the technology may pose serious health risks for the technology's
pioneer fetuses and that unrealistic expectations of clones might compro-
mise their freedom to develop life plans.
Are there other reasons to consider human reproductive cloning un-
ethical? The national Advisory Board on ethics in reproduction (nABer)
deemed human cloning to be unethical in the following hypothetical in-
stances: 5
1. When the purpose is to produce embryos for storage in order to create
a twin sibling of a child born years earlier.
2. When the purpose is to create embryos for possible use later to grow a
fetus in order to provide compatible bone marrow or organ transplants
for a sick child.
3. if the ultimate objective is to provide an adult with an identical twin to
parent as his or her own child.
4. if the purpose is to use an embryo clone to replace a child that has died.
5. if the purpose is to be able to produce embryos for later sale to others
or to produce fetal tissue or organs for donation to others.
Potential Benefits of Human Cloning
Potential biological benefits of human cloning are usually unknown or
overlooked in cloning debates. even if knowledge about the benefits of hu-
man cloning does not temper the widespread negative feelings about clon-
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