Information Technology Reference
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smartphones almost every time we travel, particularly when we travel to new and
unfamiliar locations.
The ability of physicians to communicate instantly with colleagues helps med-
ical practice. Computerized medical diagnostic machines such as CAT scans and
MRI equipment are also beneficial. Cochlear implants have restored hearing to
thousands of profoundly deaf patients. Robotic manufacturing is cheaper and
sometimes more precise than the manual construction of many complex devices.
But the ever-increasing odds of identity theft and the constant need to keep our
computers and electronic devices safe from hackers and data theft are a source of
continuing worry and also a source of considerable expense.
In evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of computers and software, the
weight of available evidence is that software and computers have provided more
benefits to the human condition than they have caused harm. Of course, those who
have been harmed probably disagree.
But statistically looking at all known uses of computer and software in the
modern world, there have been significant benefits in the way we can communic-
ate, transact business, and carry out scientific and engineering work. It is doubtful
that any scientist or engineer would want to stop using computers and software.
The same is true of many other kinds of work such as health care, law enforce-
ment, accounting, and even real estate.
This prelude showed the evolution and convergence of many fields that would
come together to create modern computers and software. Mathematics, data stor-
age and retrieval, communication methods, and software itself would come togeth-
er to create the modern era of personal software and personal computing.
Later chapters in this topic discuss the evolution of software engineering from
the earliest dreams of visionaries in the 1930s through the growth of the largest
and wealthiest companies in human history by the end of the 20th century.
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