Agriculture Reference
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Epidermis The unicellular integument which se-
cretes the cuticle.
Epipharynx In the mouthparts of an insect, a usually
small lobe attached to the ventral surface of the
Eruciform larva A larva with a cylindrical body,
three pairs of thoracic legs and several pairs of
stumpy abdominal prolegs - body sometimes sac-
like and with a distinct pseudopod. as in certain
chrysomelid larvae.
Exarate pupa Most if not all appendages free, as in
various Hymenoptera (cf. Obtect pupa).
Exoskeleton The hardened external skeleton to
which the muscles are attached.
Exuviae The cast-off skin (cuticle) after moulting.
Eye-cap A hood-like structure at the base of the
antenna of certain moths, which partly covers the
Falcate Sickle-shaped.
Fat body The collection of often densely aggregated
cells (large trophocytes and small oenocytes)
found in the haemocel and functioning as an
organ of excretion and, notably, storage of, for
example, fat and glycogen.
Feather-claw A feather-like ambulacrum (q.v.)
on the leg of an eriophyid mite, composed of a
central shaft and a series of lateral branches or
rays which may themselves be branched - a di-
vided feather-claw has the shaft subdivided into
Femur (pi femora) The third, and frequently the
largest, segment of the leg of an insect, located
between the trochanter and the tibia; also, the
third segment of the leg of a mite (and the second
segment of the pedipalp), located between the
trochanter and the genu.
Filiform Thread-like.
Flagellomeres The individual components ('seg-
ments') of the flagellum (q.v.).
Flagellum The third (distal) part of the antenna, be-
yond the pedicel.
Fore At or towards the anterior end.
Forelegs The pair of legs arising from the prothorax.
Forewings The pair of wings arising from the
Fossorial Adapted for digging.
Frass The solid excreta of an insect, especially that
produced by a caterpillar.
Frenulum The bristle-like wing-coupling mechanism
found on the hindwing of certain moths and some
other insects, which links to the retinaculum (q.v.)
which is located on the forewing.
Furcula The forked saltatory appendage on the
fourth abdominal segment of a springtail.
Fusiform Cigar-shaped or spindle-shaped.
Gallicola (pi. gallicolae) A female that initiates and
breeds with a gall, as in many aphids.
Gaster In certain Hymenoptera (Apocrita), that
part of the abdomen behind the petiole.
Gena (pi. genae) That part of the head ('cheek')
above the mandible below and behind the com-
pound eye.
Genal cones The pair of anteriorly directed pro-
cesses on the head of a psyllid.
Geniculate Abruptly bent, elbowed.
Genital flap In a female eriophyid mite, the charac-
teristic flap which conceals the reproductive
Genu The fourth segment of the leg (or the third
segment of the pedipalp) of a mite, located be-
tween the femur and the tibia.
Glabrous Without hairs, hairless.
Gnathosoma The anterior-most of the two main
sections of the body of a mite, constituting the
mouthparts and bearing two pair of appendances:
the chelicerae and the pedipalps (cf. Idiosoma).
Grub A colloquial name for an insect larva, as in
'chafer grub'.
Gynopara (pi. gynoparae) A female aphid that gives
rise sexually (i.e. after mating) to a generation of
oviparae (q.v.).
Haemocoel The main body cavity of many inverte-
brates, such as insects and mites.
Haemolymph The
haemocoel (q.v.).
Haltere The club-shaped or drumstick-like balanc-
ing organ on the metathorax of a fly, formed from
the modified hindwing.
Hamula (see Retinaculum).
Hamuli The small wing-coupling hooks on the
hindwings of Hymenoptera.
Head The anterior-most of the three main subdivi-
sions of the body of an insect body, bearing (for
example) the antennae and mouthparts.
Hemelytron (pi. hemelytra) The mainly leathery
forewing of a heteropteran bug - unlike the
elytron of, for example, a beetle, the distal part of
the hemelytron is membranous.
Hemimetabolous insect An insect with incomplete
metamorphosis, i.e. no pupal stage in the life-
cycle (cf. Holometabolous insect).
Hemi-pupa (pi. hemi-pupae) A modified pupa
which, instead of producing an adult, gives rise
directly to several so-called 'daughter' larvae, as
in certain gall midges.
Heteroecious Species whose 'summer' and 'winter'
host plants are different, as in certain aphids.
Heteromerous beetle A beetle with an unequal
number of tarsal segments on the three pairs of
Hibernaculum (pi. hibernacula) The structure (e.g. a
cocoon) in which an insect hibernates.
Hind At or towards the posterior end.
Hindlegs The pair of legs arising from the
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