Agriculture Reference
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Cephalopharyngeal skeleton In certain dipterous
larvae, the skeletal structure formed from the re-
duced, retracted head and the mouthparts.
Cephalothorax (see Prododosoma).
Cercus (pi. cerci) One of a pair of appendages aris-
ing from abdominal segment 11.
Chaetotaxy The arrangement (disposition and
number) of bristles or setae on the body and ap-
pendages - of particular importance in the classi-
fication of Diptera and mites.
Cheek (see Gena).
Chela The distal, pincer-like part of the chelicera
Chelate Grasping, prehensile.
Chelicera (pi. chelicerae) One of a pair of much
modified structures at the tip of the pedipalp,
formed or dervived from three segments: a basal
trochanter, a fixed main section and an articulat-
ing terminal apotele - the main section and the
apotele often form the chela (q.v.).
Chitin A polysaccharide, which is the main chemical
component of the cuticle.
Chorion The outer skin of an egg.
'Chrysalis' (pi. 'chrysalids') A usually inappropriate
term for 'pupa' and one to be avoided (although,
arguably, acceptable for pupae of certain
nymphyalid butterflies); its use in acarology to
designate resting stages (viz. 'protochrysalis'.
'deutochrysalis' and "teliochrysalis") should also
be avoided.
Claspers (see Anal claspers).
Clavate Club-shaped.
Clavus The posterior part of the forewing of a
heteropteran bug.
Club The swollen terminal segments of a clavate
Clypeus The lowest part of the face, immediately
above the labrum.
Colleterial glands A pair of glands, associated with
the female genitalia, which produce a secretion
for cementing eggs to the substratum.
Collophore The ventral tube on the first abdominal
segment of a springtail.
Compound eye The multi-faceted eye of an insect.
formed from a collection of ommatidia.
Corbiculum (pi. corbicula) The so-called "pollen-
basket' of a bee.
Corium The main (usually leathery) part of the
forewing of a heteropteran bug.
Cornicle (see Siphunculus).
Cornu (pi. cornua) An elongated "arm' on the
pharyngeal sclerite of the mouthparts
(cephalopharyngeal skeleton) of certain dipter-
ous larvae.
Costa One of the main longitudinal veins of the
wing, which usually forms the costal margin.
Costal margin The front margin of the wing.
Costal vein (see Costa).
Coxa (pi. coxae) The basal segment of the leg.
Crawler The highly mobile first-instar nymph of a
scale insect.
Cremastal Pertaining to the cremaster.
Cremaster A small cluster of hooks or spines at the
tip of the pupa of a butterfly or moth, often borne
on a distinctive outgrowth.
Crochets Sclerotized hooks found on the abdominal
prolegs of most lepidopterous larvae.
Cross-vein A transverse vein that links the longitudi-
nal veins in an insect wing.
Cuneus The more or less triangular part of the
forewing of a heteropteran bug, separated from
the corium (q.v.) by a groove or suture.
Cuticle The three-layered 'skin' of an insect or mite.
Dectious pupa A pupa with sclerotized, articulated
Deflexed Bent downwards.
Dentate Toothed.
Deuterogenous Pertaining to deuterogeny.
Deuterogeny Having distinct winter and summer
Deuterotoky (see Amphitoky).
Deutogyne The "winter' female in a species of mite
exhibing deuterogeny (q.v.).
Deutonymph The second nymphal stage of a mite.
Dorsal On or pertaining to the upper surface.
Dorsal cornu (pi. cornua) One of a pair of often very
long, posteriorly directed dorsal processes of the
cephalopharyngeal skeleton (q.v.).
Dorsal shield (see Prodorsal shield).
Dorsum The upper surface of the body.
Ecdysis The process of moulting during which the
'old' skin is cast off and replaced by another.
Ectognathous Mouthparts exposed (external) (cf.
Ectoparasite A parasite which lives on the outside of
the body of its host.
Ectoparasitoid A parasitoid which lives on the out-
side of the body of its host.
Egg-tooth A caudal appendage which enables a
larva to burst the chorion of the egg when
Elytron (pi. elytra) The hardened, horny forewing
of a beetle and certain other insects (see also
Emarginate With a distinct indentation or notch.
Embolium A narrow section along the costal margin
of the forewing of a heteropteran bug.
Empodium (see Ambulacrum).
Endognathous Mouthparts hidden - located in a
pocket (cf. Ectognathous).
Endoparasite A parasite living within the body of its
Endoparasitoid A parasitoid which develops within
the body of its host.
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