Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
may be found at any time from mid-May or late
May to August. The moths fly at dusk and activ-
ity is favoured by temperatures in excess of 15°C.
Eggs are laid either on the foliage or directly on
the fruits. They hatch in approximately 2 weeks
and the larvae burrow into the flesh of develop-
ing fruits, often entering through the calyx (eye).
Larvae occur mainly in July and August, and are
fully fed in about a month. They then migrate
from the fruit and spin cocoons on the bark of
host trees. Most larvae overwinter and pupate in
the spring. However, in favourable years, indi-
viduals spinning-up by the end of July may pu-
pate and give rise to a partial ;econd-generation
of adults. Late-developing and second-genera-
tion larvae often complete their development
only after apples have been harvested. They will
then pupate in apple boxes and in sheds where
fruit or such boxes are stored.
Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli)
Cherry bark tortrix moth
This moth is mainly a pest of mature trees
(Ro^aceae), including apple and cherry. The lar-
vae burrow within the bark of the trunks and
main branches; attacked trees are weakened and
may be killed.
Adults emerge over a long period, from May
to September. They are often active in sunshine
but remain settled on the bark in dull weather
conditions. Eggs are usually laid on infested
parts of host trees and hatch 2-3 weeks later. The
larvae feed within the bark for several months,
before pupating in the following spring or sum-
mer, each in a silken cocoon spun within the
larval gallery.
Adult 15-22 mm wingspan; forewings mainly
blackish-brown, more or less suffused with ash-
grey, and with a large, metallic, bronzy-black
blotch near the tip; hindwings brown (Fig. 291).
Egg 1.3 x 1.0 mm, flat, oval and translu-
cent. Larva up to 20 mm long; body pinkish-
white but younger instars whitish; pinacula dark;
head and prothoracic plate brown; anal plate
pale; anal comb absent. Pupa 8-10 mm long,
yellowish-brown to dark brown.
Adult 15-18 mm wingspan; forewings purplish-
brown with irregular, yellowish-orange mark-
ings and silvery-white striae on the costa;
hindwings dark brown (Fig. 292). Larva up to
11mm long; body brownish to pinkish; pinacula
brownish; head light brown; prothoracic plate
and anal plate light greyish-brown. Pupa 7-
9 mm long, light brown; cremaster broad and
Fig. 292 Cherry bark tortrix moth, Enarmonia
formosana (x6).
Fig. 291 Codling moth, Cydia pomonella (x6).
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