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Crabs are a perennial local favourite
David Shen Kai/Apa Publications
Hairy crabs
Arguably Shanghai's best-loved seasonal gourmet delicacy is the hairy crab. Every year from
mid-October to the end of December, when the crabs are ripe with milt or roe, huge crowds
of people drive to the shores of nearby Yangcheng Lake to catch and eat these critters, so
named because of their down-covered claws. The crabs are also available in restaurants and
markets across Shanghai, where they are steamed and served with a sauce of ginger, vineg-
ar and sugar. Although no bigger than a human fist and very fiddly to eat, their meat and roe
are sweet and buttery, with a rich flavour and superb velvety texture. Hairy crabs are con-
sidered to be 'cooling' to the body, so sherry-like Shaoxing wine is served to rebalance the
body's yin and yang.
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