Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Exit the museum on Dongbei Jie and head west. At the end of the block is the impressive
Suzhou Museum 4 [map] (Suzhou Bowuguan; 204 Dongbei Lu; Tue-Sun 9am-5pm, no
admission after 4pm; free). The design by Chinese-American architect IM Pei, whose ancest-
ors owned Lion Grove Garden, drew on the ancient city for inspiration. The US$40 million
building is a spectacular Modernist version of a traditional Suzhou house, with plenty of glass
and light, plus traditional touches such as a Chinese garden and footbridge. The museum
features a collection of artefacts from early Suzhou.
From the museum, head west on Xibei Jie to the intersection with Renmin Lu and North
Temple Pagoda 5 [map] (Beisi Ta; 652 Renmin Lu; daily 7.45am-6pm; charge). This 76m
(250ft) mustard-and-red structure on the site of Wu Kingdom ruler Sun Quan's childhood
home was first built during the third century and rebuilt in the 16th century. A climb to its sum-
mit offers spectacular views of the surrounding area - and shows how fast Suzhou is chan-
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