Databases Reference
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So to obtain a list of all the current DAD configuration we can run a block of code like:
SQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> exec dbms output.enable(1000000);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> declare
l dads dbms epg.varchar2 table;
dbms epg.get dad list(l dads);
dbms output.put line('DADS defined: ' || l dads.count);
for i in 1..l dads.count loop
dbms output.put line('DAD: ' || l dads(i));
end loop;
DADS defined: 1
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Now let's say we want to view the attributes for the DAD, we can run the following code:
name list dbms epg.varchar2 table;
vals list dbms epg.varchar2 table;
dbms epg.get all dad attributes('APEX', name list, vals list);
for i in list.count loop
dbms output.put line(name list(i) || ' = ' || vals list(i));
end loop;
This produces output similar to
database-username = ANONYMOUS
default-page = apex
document-table-name = wwv flow file objects$
document-path = docs
document-procedure = wwv flow file mgr.process download
nls-language = american america.al32utf8
request-validation-function = wwv flow epg include modules.authorize
Notice how the settings are very similar to the ones listed in the dads.conf file for the OHS. There is
actually an extremely useful (yet little-publicized) script called epgstat.sql which should be in
$ORACLE HOME/rdbms/admin which you can run to get some great diagnostic output on the configuration
and status of your EPG, shown in Listing 1-12.
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