Databases Reference
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The condition on this process would be
Filtering Using Items
There are times when you want to expose a filter as an item rather than just as a report column. This
works well for a real data driver—where you almost always want to see just a certain slice of the data.
With interactive reports, you can use a combination of item filters and columns filters. For this I like to
use the button bar region template. You then define your item or items and either include a submit
button or can make the item self-submitting (like a select list). Within your report, you just modify your
where condition to reference this item, handling null values if appropriate (if your item can be null):
and (:P10 APP ID = APP ID or :P10 APP ID is null)
Whenever you have an item that can modify your query, make sure that you include a process that
will reset the pagination for the report. If not, the user will get that annoying “Invalid set of rows
requested, the source data of the report has been modified. Reset Pagination” message, and that is not
really nice. For self-submitting items, you will need a process. To include this, Create Process > Reset
Pagination > Condition Type of 'Request = Expression 1' and Expression 1 should be the name of the
item. For buttons, you can either create a process (using When Button Pressed) or include a conditional
branch that does the reset, as shown in Figure 13-11.
Figure 13-11 . Branch calling page with a reset of pagination
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