Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Ensure that your application is using Theme 1. To view your application's
current theme, edit the application properties by clicking the Edit Applications
button on the main application builder page as shown in Figure 7-26. Scroll
down to the Theme section to view the current theme. If it is not set to Theme
1 then go to Shared Components Themes to change the current theme.
Figure 7-26. Application Builder main page
If you now run the application it should look like Figure 7-27.
Figure 7-27. Initial setup
Create Department Employee Report
To meet the first requirement, you'll need to create a report region which lists the employees in the
selected department. To create this report:
1. Create a standard report region called Department Employees using the
following query:
select e.empno,
initcap(e.ename) ename,
initcap(e.job) job,
from emp e
where e.deptno = :p1 deptno
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