Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Note All the tables, data and code used in this chapter are available to download from the Apress website.
Import the application export (the sql file you download) in your workspace and install the Supporting Objects
which will create the tables and data. The application contains all examples covered in this topic, so you can see
everything working immediately and can copy the code straight from within the application.
Customizing Charts by Using Custom XML
A manager wants to see how sales are going based on her forecast and targets she previously set.
Showing the budget can easily be done with a column chart, but showing the forecast and target lines is
something that is not natively available (through the wizards) in APEX (unless you create another series
for the line, but that is not quite the same). Below are the steps to add a 2D column chart and two trend
lines, one for the forecast and one for the target:
If you already have some experience with AnyChart XML and what each node
is used for, go to the AnyChart Reference Documentation (you will find the
URL in the “Resources” section).
If you are less experienced, go to the AnyChart Gallery and click the 2D
Column charts examples. Luckily there is something very similar to this above
example in the gallery called Trend Lines and Axis Ranges Demo. Click that
example and a popup will appear with an example chart in one tab (Figure 2-
58) and the XML code that was used in the other tab (Figure 2-59).
Figure 2-58. AnyChart Gallery example of trend lines
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