Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
X-Axis Postfix and Y-Axis Postfix define text to display after values on the
corresponding axes. This text postfix will appear after grid labels, value labels and
hint text. For example, you can enter a percentage symbol as a postfix.
X-Axis Minor and Major Interval , and Y-Axis Minor and Major Interval settings
control the minor and major scale steps, used for the axis labels, the tick marks,
and the grid on your chart. If not set, the steps are calculated automatically. Values
entered must be positive. These settings will only be used when Show Grid in
Display Settings is set.
Decimal Places defines the number of decimal places to be used in the Y Axis
Note All these settings are static, so you can't use page items to dynamically set them. However, if you want to
set, for example, the Y Axis Min value dynamically depending the data you return, you can set Custom XML to Yes
on the Chart XML page, and include your substitution strings there (for example, &PAGE_ITEM ).
Figure 2-22. The Axes Settings
In the Legend Settings (see Figure 2-23) you specify whether you want a legend and where it should
appear and what the look and feel of it is.
Show Legend specifies whether a legend is displayed on your chart. Possible
positions are: Left, Right, Top, Bottom or Float.
The Legend Title is the title of the Legend. If no Legend Title is entered, the title
will be empty.
Legend Element Layout defines if the items of the legend will appear next to each
other or under each other. The Legend Element Layout is only applicable when
Show Legend is set to Top or Bottom.
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