Database Reference
In-Depth Information Quality Check Project Preparation Phase
This is the final verification of the completion of all tasks involved with the project preparation phase.
The SAP-recommended checklist for the Project Preparation Phase is as follows:
1. Review Project Charter and verify completeness.
2. Verify that an implementation strategy has been chosen.
3. Ensure that the project team room has all components.
4. Verify that all needed team roles have been filled.
5. Review the project plan component for completeness.
6. Review the change management plan.
7. Review the project team training plan.
8. Validate that all project management standards and procedures are created.
9. Validate that all implementation standards and procedures are created.
10. Make sure the project kickoff has occurred or is scheduled.
11. Verify that the system landscape strategy is agreed.
12. Validate that the initial system is installed and remote connection is ordered. Sign Off Project Preparation Phase
This task is concerned with obtaining the final sign-off from the project management and approval
to proceed to the next phase.
The sign-off on the Project preparation Phase signals the end of the first phase of the ASAP
methodology that is also the preparatory phase of the SAP project.
13.2.2 Business Blueprint
The purpose of this phase is to primarily prepare the Business Blueprint phase. The Business Blueprint
documents the business process-related requirements of the company. The team members and con-
sultants conduct interviews and workshops in different areas of activity to ascertain the requirements
of various business processes. The functionality provided by the R/3 is demonstrated using IDES
and supported by questionnaires and process diagrams from R/3 Business Engineer; any gap in
addressing functional requirements is identified, and appropriate solutions are explored and devised.
The final outcome of this phase is the Business Blueprint document that details the TO-BE
processes including written and pictorial representation of the company's structure and business
processes. Once this has been approved, the blueprint is taken as the basis for all subsequent
phases. This phase also deals with the other central issue addressed by the ASAP methodology
for implementing SAP: the change management process. This is related to the organizational and
human resource issues that influence the momentum of the R/3 implementation project. The
objective of the change management process is to facilitate the timely implementation of SAP
within the planned budget and resources. Project Management Business Blueprint Phase
This task deals with the managing and monitoring of the Business Blueprint phase. Using the
findings of the study on the requirements of the new organizational structure and the business
processes enables identifying where the changes in relationship between the business processes
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