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should not hope to reap more significant benefits than those accruing from the traditional systems.
If SAP CRM is not to be used as a past-facing system merely for recording and reporting purposes
but more as a future-facing handler of strategic information and relationships, implementation of
all the basic components corresponding to the businesses of the company is essential. SAP CRM
system is componentized and, thus, allows component-wise implementations. However, this is
one feature that we recommend that should be ignored unless it is unavoidable because of extreme
circumstances. A piecemeal approach of progressive implementation should be abandoned because
delaying the implementations of all basic components together only delays the benefits of a fully
functional SAP CRM and, therefore, incurs opportunity costs.
There have been strong suggestions sometimes that the 'big bang' approach of
implementation was not suitable for implementation of CRM and it was better to
adopt a piecemeal approach while implementing CRM. While not underestimating
the challenges of implementing enterprise-wide CRM, it should be highlighted that
the experience of implementing enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems was not bet-
ter. In spite of the hundreds and thousands of SAP ERP implementations completed across
the world and the corresponding accumulated experience, every single SAP implementation
project is quite a challenge and takes extended duration of time for completion (see Kale
6.5.2 Base Components Implemented First
This strategy clearly dictates that the base components should be implemented with highest prior-
ity, though the definition of base component may vary from industry to industry. But, in contrast,
other components or interfaces to other systems could be handled more appropriately after the
base components as a whole have stabilized.
6.5.3 Implementation of SAP CRM Standard Functionality
A standardization of processes usually leads to tremendous gains in terms of maintenance, future
upgrades, documentation, training, and even routine operations and the administration of the
CRM applications. Custom support is counter to the general emphasis on standardizing the pro-
cesses and implementing generic ones. It's a business truism that the survival and success of a
company depends on how it differentiates itself and its products or services from those of its com-
petitors. To leverage on their competencies or advantages, companies cannot abandon the corre-
sponding differentiating processes and will have to incorporate such fundamental variants in their
CRM implementations. But, as far as possible, avoid the bugbear of customization by altering
and additional programming in ABAP. Additional programming should be evaluated and adopted
only as a last resort. SAP keeps upgrading its suite of products, and if custom software is built for
a particular version, it will have to be upgraded every time SAP releases new upgrades. Like any
other product, SAP goes through oscillating cycles between major functional upgrades followed by
technical upgrades and vice versa.
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