Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
One benefit of the graphical plans, compared to text and XML plans, is that you can easily
see which operators are being executed in parallel by looking at the parallelism symbol
(a small yellow circle with arrows) included in the operator icon. In this case, it's shown
in Figure 2-31 for the Sort and Hash Join operators.
To see why a parallel plan was considered and selected, you can look at the cost of the
serial plan. One way to do this is by using the MAXDOP hint to force a serial plan, as in the
following query:
SELECT I . CustomerID , C . FirstName , C . LastName , A . City
FROM Person . Contact AS C
JOIN Sales . Individual AS I
ON C . ContactID = I . ContactID
JOIN Sales . CustomerAddress AS CA
ON CA . CustomerID = I . CustomerID
JOIN Person . Address AS A
ON A . AddressID = CA . AddressID
ORDER BY I . CustomerID
Listing 2-34.
The forced serial plan has a cost of 5.31282 and, given that the default cost threshold for
parallelism configuration option is 5, this clearly crosses that threshold. An interesting
test you can perform in your own test environment is to change the cost threshold
for parallelism option to 6 by running the following statements:
sp_configure 'cost threshold for parallelism' , 6
Listing 2-35.
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