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The output will show the following text plan including a Clustered Index Seek operator
with the LOOKUP keyword at the end:
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES …)
|--Index Seek(OBJECT:([Address].[IX_Address_StateProvinceID]),
SEEK:([Address].[StateProvinceID]=(32)) ORDERED FORWARD)
|--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([Address].[PK_Address_AddressID]),
SEEK:([Address].[AddressID]=[Address].[AddressID]) LOOKUP ORDERED FORWARD)
Listing 2-9.
The XML plan shows the same information in the following way:
< RelOp PhysicalOp = " Clustered Index Seek " …>
< IndexScan Lookup = " true " >
Listing 2-10.
Keep in mind that, although SQL Server 2000 implemented a bookmark lookup using a
dedicated operator (called Bookmark Lookup), the operation is basically the same.
Now run the same query but, this time, request StateProvinceID equal to 20. This will
produce the plan shown in Figure 2-8.
SELECT AddressID , City , StateProvinceID , ModifiedDate
FROM Person . Address
WHERE StateProvinceID = 20
Listing 2-11.
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