Databases Reference
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SELECT FirstName , LastName
FROM Person . Contact AS C
JOIN Sales . Individual AS I
ON C . ContactID = I . ContactID
JOIN Sales . Customer AS Cu
ON I . CustomerID = Cu . CustomerID
WHERE Cu . CustomerType = 'I'
Listing 1-7.
By looking at the resultant execution plan, shown on Figure 1-8, you can see that the
Query Optimizer is not using the same join order as that specified in the query; it found a
more efficient one instead. The join order as expressed in the query is ( Person.Contact
JOIN Sales.Individual ) JOIN Sales.Customer . However, you will see from the
plan shown in Figure 1-8 that the Query Optimizer actually chose the join order ( Sales.
Customer JOIN Sales.Individual ) JOIN Person.Contact .
Figure 1-8: Execution plan for query joining three tables.
You should also notice that the Query Optimizer chose a Merge Join operator to
implement the join between the first two tables, then a Hash Join operator to join the
result to the Person.Contact table.
Just to experiment, the query shown in Listing 1-8 shows the same query, but this time
using the FORCE ORDER hint to instruct the Query Optimizer to join the tables in the
exact order indicated in the query. Paste this query into the same query window in
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