Databases Reference
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INTO dbo . Product
FROM Production . Product
Listing 6-6.
Run the following UPDATE statement, which produces the execution plan on Figure 6-7.
UPDATE dbo . Product
SET ListPrice = ListPrice * 1.2
Listing 6-7.
Figure 6-7: An update without Halloween protection.
No Halloween protection is needed in this case, as the statement updates the
ListPrice column, which is not part of any index, and so updating the data does
not move any rows around. Now, to demonstrate the problem, I'll create a clustered
index on ListPrice column.
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX cix ON dbo . Product ( ListPrice )
Listing 6-8.
Run the same UPDATE statement from Listing 6-7 again. The query will show a similar
plan, but this time including a Table Spool operator, which is a blocking operator,
separating the read section from the write section. A blocking operator has to read all of
the relevant rows before producing any output rows to the next operator. In this example,
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