Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
There are two reasons for this change. First, since the CustomerType column is no
longer required, there are no columns requested from the Customer table. However,
it seems like the Customer table is still needed, as it is required as part of the equality
operation on a join condition. That is, SQL Server needs to make sure that a Customer
record exists for each related record on the Individual table.
Actually this validation is performed by the existing foreign key constraint, so the Query
Optimizer realizes that there is no need to use the Customer table at all. As a test,
temporarily disable the foreign key by running the following statement:
ALTER TABLE Sales . Individual NOCHECK CONSTRAINT FK_Individual_Customer_CustomerID
Listing 5-24.
Now run the Listing 5-23 query again. Without the foreign key constraint, SQL Server
has no choice but to perform the join in order to make sure that the join condition is
executed. As a result, it will use a plan joining all three tables, similar to the one shown
previously in Figure 5-5. Finally, don't forget to re-enable the foreign key by running the
statement in Listing 5-25.
Listing 5-25.
Now for an example of contradiction detection; first, I need a table with a
check constraint and, handily, the Employee table has the following check
constraint definition:
( [VacationHours] >=(- 40 ) AND [VacationHours] <=( 240 ))
Listing 5-26.
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