Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Run this query and request a graphical or XML execution plan:
SELECT * FROM dbo . SalesOrderDetail
WHERE SalesOrderID = 43670 AND SalesOrderDetailID > 112
Listing 4-20.
This query could benefit from an index on the SalesOrderID and SalesOrder-
DetailID columns, but no missing indexes information is shown this time. One
limitation of the Missing Indexes feature which this example has revealed is that it
does not work with a trivial plan optimization. You can verify that this is a trivial plan
by looking at the graphical plan properties, shown as Optimization Level TRIVIAL , or
by looking at the XML plan, where the StatementOptmLevel is shown as TRIVIAL .
You can avoid the trivial plan optimization in several ways, as I'll explain in Chapter 5 ,
The Optimization Process (for now, you'll just have to take it on faith). In our case, we're
just going to create a non-related index by running the following statement:
CREATE INDEX IX_ProductID ON dbo . SalesOrderDetail ( ProductID )
Listing 4-21.
What is significant about this is that, although the index created will not be used by our
previous query, the query no longer qualifies for a trivial plan. Run the query again, and
this time the XML plan will contain the following entry:
< MissingIndexes >
< MissingIndexGroup Impact = " 99.7137 " >
< MissingIndex Database = " [AdventureWorks] " Schema = " [dbo] "
Table = " [SalesOrderDetail] " >
< ColumnGroup Usage = " EQUALITY " >
< Column Name = " [SalesOrderID] " ColumnId = " 1 " />
</ ColumnGroup >
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