Databases Reference
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Figure 3-12: Cardinality estimate with filtered statistics.
Let us now inspect the filtered statistics object by running the following statement:
DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ( 'Person.Address' , california )
Listing 3-43.
This will show the following output, (edited here to fit the page):
Name Rows Rows Sampled Filter Expression Unfiltered Rows
----------- ----- ------------- ------------------------ ---------------
california 4564 4564 ([StateProvinceID]=(9)) 19614
Listing 3-44.
Notice that the filter definition is shown on the Filter Expression field, and that the
Unfiltered Rows field shows the total number of records on the table when the filtered
statistics were created. Also note that, this time, the Rows column number is less than the
total number of rows in the table, and corresponds to the number of records that satisfied
the filter predicate when the statistics object was created. The filter definition can also be
seen on the filter_definition column of the sys.stats catalog view.
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