Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Publishing your extension
Thank you for contributing to the PostgreSQL community! Your support will not go un-
noticed in this gathering of like-minded guys that are all a slightly smarter than each
other. Your work will be seen by dozens of developers looking for community solutions
to common problems. You have made the open source world a better place.
Since we are talking about publication, you should consider the licensing model for
your extension. The publication methods that we are about to describe assume that
the extension will be made available to the general public. As such, please consider
the PostgreSQL license for your extension. You can find the current one here:
When you want to publish your module, you could start writing packaging scripts for
each of the distribution systems for every operating system. This is the way the Post-
greSQL extensions have been distributed in the past. This distribution system has not
been very friendly to the open source community, or very well received. In an effort to
make extension publication more palatable, a group of open source writers and back-
ing companies got together and founded the PostgreSQL Extension Network.
The PostgreSQL Extension Network provides a central repository for
your open source extensions. By the kindness of the maintainers, it also provides in-
stallation scripts for your extensions that will work on most of the popular PostgreSQL
deployment operating systems.
Signing up to publish your extension
To sign up to publish your extension, perform the following steps:
1. Start by requesting an account on the management page: ht-
tp:// .
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