Database Reference
In-Depth Information
"Error" states that are not errors
WARNING is the highest non-error level. It means that something may be wrong and
needs user/administrator attention. It is a good practice to periodically scan system
logs for warnings. Use this only for unexpected conditions. See the next one for
things happening on regular basis. Warnings go to client and server logs by default.
NOTICE is for things which are likely of higher interest to users, like information about
creating a primary key index or sequence for serial type (though these stopped to be
NOTICE in the latest version of PostgreSQL). Like the previous one, NOTICE is sent
both to client and server logs by default.
INFO is for things specifically requested by client, like VACUUM/ANALYSE VERBOSE .
It is always sent to the client regardless of client_min_messages GUC setting,
but is not written to a server log when using default settings.
LOG (and COMMERROR ) are for servers operational messages, and by default are
only written to the server log. The error level LOG can also be sent to client if cli-
ent_min_messages is set appropriately, but COMMERROR never is.
There are DEBUG1 to DEBUG5 in increasing order of verbosity. They are specifically
meant for reporting debugging info and are not really useful in most other cases, ex-
cept perhaps for curiosity. Setting higher DEBUGx levels is not recommended in pro-
duction servers, as the amount logged or reported can be really huge.
When are messages sent to the client
While most communication from server to client takes place after the command
completes (or even after the transaction is committed in case of LISTEN / NOTIFY ),
everything emitted by ereport() is sent to the client immediately, thus the mention
of off-channel messaging previously. This makes ereport() a useful tool for mon-
itoring long-running commands such as VACUUM and also a simple debugging aid to
print out useful debug info.
You can read a much more detailed description of error reporting at ht-
tp:// .
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