Database Reference
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int[]) RETURNS int
AS '$libdir/add_func', 'add_int32_array'
The previous calls to add_arr() can be rewritten as:
hannu=# select add(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
-[ RECORD 1 ]
add | 45
hannu=# select add(NULL);
-[ RECORD 1 ]
add |
hannu=# select add(1,2,NULL);
-[ RECORD 1 ]
add | 3
Notice that you can't easily get the ERROR: 1-dimensional array needed as
VARIADIC always constructs a one-dimensional array from the arguments.
The only thing missing is that you can't have PostgreSQL's function overloading
mechanism to distinguish between add( a int[]) and add(VARIADIC a
int[]) —you simply can't declare both of these at the same time because for Post-
greSQL they are the same function with only the initial argument detection done dif-
ferently. That is why the array version of the function was named add_arr . In case
you need to call one VARIADIC function from another, there is a way. You can call
the VARIADIC version with an argument of array type by prefixing the argument with
VARIADIC on call side: hannu=# select add(ARRAY[1,2,NULL]); .
ERROR: function add(integer[]) does not exist
LINE 1: select add(ARRAY[1,2,NULL]);
HINT: No function matches the given name and
argument types. You might need to add explicit
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