Database Reference
In-Depth Information
is element pass-by-value
element alignment id
The type OID for int4 (=23) is already conveniently defined as INT4OID , the oth-
ers you just have to look up.
The easiest way to get the values for type , size , passbyvalue , and alignment
is to query these from the database.
c_samples=# select oid, typlen, typbyval,
typalign from pg_type
c_samples-# where typname = 'int4';
-[ RECORD 1 ]
oid | 23
typlen | 4
typbyval | t
typalign | i
After the call to deconstruct_array(...) the rest is easy—just iterate over the
value and null arrays and accumulate the sum:
for(i=0;i<count;i++) {
// first check and ignore null elements
if ( nulls[i] )
// accumulate and remember there were
non-null values
sum += DatumGetInt32( datums[i]);
not_null = true;
The only PostgreSQL-specific thing here is the use of the
DatumGetInt32(<datum>) macro for converting the Datum to integer . The
DatumGetInt32(<datum>) macro performs no checking of its argument to verify
that it is indeed an integer (this is C remember, so no type info is available in data
itself), but using the DatumGet*() macro helps us to make the compiler happy.
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