Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Running queries in the database
If you have ever accessed a database in Python, you know that most database ad-
apters conform to a somewhat loose standard called Python Database API Spe-
cification v2.0 or DBAPI 2 for short.
The first thing you need to know about database access in PL/Python is that in-data-
base queries do not follow this API.
Running simple queries
Instead of using the standard API, there are just three functions for doing all data-
base access. There are two variants: plpy.execute() for running a query, and
plpy.prepare() for turning query text into a query plan or a prepared query.
The simplest way to do a query is with:
res = plpy.execute(<query text>, [<row count>])
This takes a textual query and an optional row count, and returns a result object,
which emulates a list of dictionaries, one dictionary per row.
As an example, if you want to access a field 'name' of the third row of the result,
you use:
The index is 2 and not 3 because Python lists are indexed starting from 0, so the first
row is res[0] , the second row res[1] , and so on.
Using prepared queries
In an ideal world this would be all that is needed, but plpy.execute(query,
cnt) has two shortcomings:
• It does not support parameters
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