Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.27
The finished
finger bases
Figure 3.28
The finished hand
13. From these bases, extrude once to the first finger joint.
Then do two short extrusions to create the joint. Extrude
once again to the second set of joints, and then add two
more short extrusions to create them as well. Finish off
the finger geometry by extruding to the fingertips and
once more to round out the fingers.
14. Since not all of a real person's (or zombie's) fingers are
even, you will have to adjust their vertices so they match
real life. Again in this case, use your own hand as refer-
ence for finger size and length. Scale and move vertices
around until you get a result you like. The finished hand
is shown in Figure 3.28.
15. Now that you've done all this hard work, it is time to save
your file. Look at C03_ArmsandHands_finished.blend to see
what the model should look like so far.
At this point you have the shape of the body worked out,
and you can finish it off by modeling the zombie's clothing.
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