Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
After all your Blender and Unity efforts, you now have a playable zombie arcade game.
Look at the ZombieGameFinal.unity scene in the Assets b Scenes folder of the Chapter 10
online resources to see a version of the game you just created with final art, title, and
game-over screens, as well as further enhancements like pickup spawners.
Wrapping Up
Well, you DIY game developer, you did it. You not only created a 3D textured and ani-
mated game character, but you also implemented it in a playable arcade-style game. Now,
after a few violent battles with your zombie, the world of creating 3D games with free
software lies before you.
While you created an enemy character throughout this topic, you will ind that all of
the art creation skills you gained are applicable to any game character you wish to create.
Likewise, Unity offers prefabs and scripts, such as the Third Person Controller, that will
let you experiment with creating your own player characters. Now go forth and make
some games—the world looks forward to playing them!
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