Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
function Awake () {
healthGUIWidth = healthGUI.pixelInset.width;
3. Use the ApplyDamage function for the Player object. Like other similar functions that
you have seen, this function applies damage to the Player object. It also plays pain
sounds so the player knows he or she is being damaged by an enemy or hazard. If the
hitPoints variable reaches 0, the script calls the next function, Die .
function ApplyDamage (damage : float) {
if (hitPoints < 0.0)
// Apply damage
hitPoints -= damage;
if (Time.time > gotHitTimer && painBig && painLittle) {
if (hitPoints < maximumHitPoints * 0.2 || damage > 20) {
audio.PlayOneShot(painBig, 1.0 / audio.volume);
gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painBig.length * 2, r
painBig.length * 3);
} else {
audio.PlayOneShot(painLittle, 1.0 / audio.volume);
gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painLittle.length * 2, r
painLittle.length * 3);
if (hitPoints < 0.0)
4. he Die function kills the player and disables all scripts attached to the Player object.
It also calls out to another script called LevelLoadFade , telling it to run the function
FadeAndLoadLevel , which makes the game application reset the level to a stored state—
usually the scene's default state or a checkpoint stored by other scripts. You will apply
the LevelLoadFade.js script after working with this FPSPlayer.js script.
function Die () {
if (die)
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(die, transform.position);
var coms : Component[] = GetComponentsInChildren(MonoBehaviour);
for (var b in coms) {
var p : MonoBehaviour = b as MonoBehaviour;
if (p)
p.enabled = false;
LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel,, 2.0);
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