Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
is a shortcut for a similar menu found in the Game Object b Create Other menu in Unity's
menu bar at the top of the screen.
Before leaving this view, LMB-click on the Player object in the Hierarchy menu. This
will allow you to see its settings and components in Unity's next view.
The Inspector View
The Inspector view allows you to oversee and manipulate the parts of each game object.
This view is context sensitive, acting as an editor for game objects, materials, and settings.
Most of the time, you will be working with objects, and your ability to construct game
objects in this view is where it truly shines.
Unity also allows users to organize scripts and art assets as components of game objects.
For example, you can add a 3D model to a scene by dragging and dropping it into the
Inspector view from your Project view file folders. Then, you can assign behaviors to the
model by similarly dragging and dropping scripts into the model's component list.
You can also change the settings of these components within the Inspector view. For
example, the top of the Inspector view allows you to enter numerical values to change the
location, rotation, and scale of your game objects. Additionally, each component of the
game object has its own settings. Some, like the built-in physics colliders, have default set-
tings. However, custom scripts will each have different settings based on the variables you
assign as you script, though common variables include running speed, jumping height,
and rate of fire. You will learn more about scripting later in this chapter.
The Project View
The next view is Unity's Project view. This view is one of Unity's best features, as it is your
in-engine view of your project's filesystem. To better explore this view, you will now
finally create your own Unity project.
Creating a New Unity Project and Managing Scenes
Now that you've taken a look around the interface itself, you will create a new Unity proj-
ect and use the Project view to start managing project files.
1. In the Unity menu bar, choose File b New Project to open a window with a text input
bar and a list of check box options. This window will help you create your new proj-
ect and import Unity's Standard Asset packages.
2. The Project Directory field specifies the file location of your new project. The default
is often the User or User Documents directory on your hard drive, depending on your
operating system. You can use the Set (if you're on a Mac) or Browse (if you're on
Windows) button to set this file location to anything you like. The default name for
the project folder will be New Unity Project , but you should name your projects to
indicate what they are. Name this project ZombieFightUnityDemo .
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